Buy art, change the world.
This year, a group of talented artists, photographers and designers, have donated original artwork to raise funds for the Epic Thanks 2011 campaign.
About Epic Thanks
Epic Thanks is a global celebration that aims to change the world through the power of gratitude. Originally founded with the name TweetsGiving in 2008, in its first year, the event built a classroom out of gratitude in Arusha, Tanzania, and became the #1 trending topic on Twitter as grateful tweets from across the globe filled the stream.
Over the past three years, from the gratitude of thousands, Epic Thanks has invested in changemakers from Tanzania, Nepal and the US, building classrooms, a library, a temporary home for disabled veterans and more. But it all began to honor Mama Lucy Kamptoni, a woman in Tanzania who used to sell chickens and saved her shillings as the seed money to build a school in her village. When Epic Thanks founder Stacey Monk met Mama Lucy, her life was changed forever. Epic Thanks was created as a way to say “thank you” to Mama Lucy and to all the hopeful changemakers who pour their hearts into our world & teach us how to hold onto hope.
This year, Epic Thanks returns to its roots by once again focusing on Mama Lucy’s work in Arusha. The students who went to fifth grade in the original classroom built from gratitude have just graduated from the seventh grade, and are now ready for secondary school. The classrooms at Mama Lucy’s primary school are now packed with over 500 younger children - so she needs to build a secondary school where her students can grow up and continue their educations in her loving care.
About Epic Change
Epic Change is a 501c3 US nonprofit that amplifies the voices and impact of grassroots changemakers and social entrepreneurs, sharing their true stories in innovative, creative and profitable ways that raise visibility and funds to support their extraordinary efforts to create hope in the world.
Creators of TweetsGiving, one of the first efforts that harnessed the power of Twitter to do good, Epic Change has been widely recognized for their innovative use of social media in creating social change, appearing in The Huffington Post, Mashable, The Chronicle of Philanthropy,,, VentureBeat, Twitterville and more.
The Artists
Ninotchka Beavers
Xanthe Berkeley
Alicia Bock
Tammy Lee Bradley
Meghan Davidson
Kathya Ethington
Jennifer Evans
Amanda Gilligan
Rachel James
Libertad Leal
Amanda Mason
Tomoko Matsubayashi
Fernanda Montoro
Irene Nam
Christine Pobke
Brenda Ponnay
Jennifer Way
Azuree Wiitala
Kristin Zecchinelli
and The Impossible Project